Claves para entender el Compliance

(Keys to Understanding Compliance)

Tirant lo Blanch, 2023.

Gallardo, Y.,  de la Concha, T.

In press


Compliance has been introduced in Mexico as a result of anti-corruption regulations. In this sense, we are facing an opportunity to promote a culture of integrity in organizations beyond mere compliance. Thus, this book presents the keys to understanding compliance in the Mexican context. On the other hand, it points out the main instruments that should be considered to deepen and implement it in organizations.


Casos prácticos de ética de profesionales del Derecho en México

(Practical Cases of Legal Ethics in Mexico)

Tirant lo Blanch, 2018.

Gallardo, Y. , ed.


The ethical practice of legal professionals is for many the Achilles heel of the legal system. Professional practice in accordance with ethics requires knowledge of the technique and ethical standards of the profession.  This book presents real ethical dilemmas, written by professionals with great prestige in various areas of law in Mexico.  It is a tool for teaching professional ethics in universities. Its analysis is suggested through the case method and in the light of the Code of Professional Ethics of the Mexican Bar Association, which is evaluated in its strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats in a country with an urgent need for better professional performance. The work also provides guidance for the drafting and analysis of the cases and asks specific questions about the situations raised.

Mexico and Its Legal System

(Practical cases of legal ethics in Mexico)

Carolina Academic Press, 2018.

Gallardo, Y., Del Duca, P. (eds)


The ongoing evolution of Mexico´s legal system reflects its dynamic national life. This work presents essays in polished English of nine lawyers, seasoned as practitioners and scholars, with deep experience of the country, and a foreword by Mexican constitutional scholar and historian Manuel González Oropeza.Together, they spotlight fundamental aspects of Mexico´s legal system, often inadequately appreciated both within and outside Mexico. They highlight exciting developments that directly concerned with Mexico, but also to those desirous of understanding how one large and dynamic economy evokes key aspects of its legal system critical to its continued growth.